Warwick 40th Birthday

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On Friday May 6th 2005, The Warwick Mathematics Department celebrated the 40th Anniversary of the University of Warwick and the 41st birthday of the Mathematics Department, founded by Professor Christopher Zeeman a year before the rest of the university.

Coffee and conversation in the common room with Sir Christopher Zeeman (centre).

Corrado de Concini from La Sapienza, Rome, opens the day talking about his research in topology and combinatorics, since he was a graduate student at Warwick in the early seventies.
David Epstein, one of the founding members of the department recalls how Christopher Zeeman persuaded him and four others to be the first members of staff after all of them initially refused to come.

Roger Carter, who came in the second year of the department, declared his reminiscences need only 40/41 of the time used by Professor Epstein.
George Rowlands from Physics talked about what the rest of the university thought of the mathematics department in the early days. He said it could be summed up in one word, but never said what that word was.

Back to the common room for lunch...

Nigel Hitchen speaks about Einstein and geometry.

Time for Elaine to share the celebration cake.

Chair of Department, Professor David Rand gives a eulogy for Founding Father of the Department, Sir Christopher Zeeman, FRS.

Lady Rosemary Zeeman unveils the plaque naming the Zeeman Building after Sir Christopher as the Vice-Chancellor David VandeLinde leads the applause.

Christopher talks about ‘From Cambridge to Catastrophe’, explaining that when he left Cambridge it was expected to be a catastrophe.

He talked about the individuals who have influenced him and demonstrated the proof of his famous theorem on unknotting spheres in 5 dimensions. (In the picture he is talking about the Alexander horned sphere.)
Sue Tall talks to Lady Rosemary after the talk, Time to enjoy the party ...

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