Visit to Bogota, July 2002

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More pictures from the seminar in Bogota. For high quality originals, please e-mail David Tall, specifying the number(s).

27. David y Bernardo Recaman
(Ministerio de Educacion Nacional)

28. David y Carlos

29. Ramon, Alfredo y Paulino

30. Jose Gregorio y Lorena

31. Julia y Rosario (Translators)

32. Julia y Rosario

33. Alexander y David

34. Ciro, Luis Fernando, Martha etc

35. Tinoco, [Isnardo], Jose Gregorio, David, y ?

36. Gustavo, David y Isnardo

37. Tinoco, Gustavo, David, y Hugo [y Isnardo]

38. David y Isnardo

39. Fernando y David

40. Luis Tirso, David, y Ulises Mesa

41. Martha Cecilia Galvis y David

42. David y Paulino

43. David y Rocio

44. David y Rocio

45. David y Loreno

46. David y Loreno

47. Relaxing after lunch

48. Gustavo, David y Alfredo

49. Oscar, David y Fernando

50. Loreno types in names

more pictures from the seminar

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