We flew north to Manaus to stay a few days in Amazonia. Here we were able to swim in the warm waters of the River Panemão, a tributary of the Tarumã River which flows into the Rio Negro a few miles before it joins the Solemões River to become the Amazon.

We flew from Rio to Manaus via Brazilia, a flight of about 5 hours.

Manaus is in the middle of Amazonia, at the ‘meeting of the waters’ of the black Rio Negro and the yellow Rio Solomões:

Sue‘s first journey in the wilderness of Amazonia
at the Manaus Shopping Centre.

Sue talks to the birds on sale at Manaus market.

David at the Rio Negro in Manaus

Manaus at night from our hotel.

After a night at the Taj Mahal hotel in downtown Manaus, we travelled by van via the Tropical Hotel and by river to the Amazon Ecopark.

Manaus is on the Rio Negro and the Ecopark where we stayed is on a tributary of the Negro.
Just down river from Manaus, the black acid waters of the Negro meet the yellow muddy waters
of the Solimões to become the River Amazon.

Our luggage on the way up the Taranã river towards the EcoPark.

Woolly monkeys in the jungle.

Torrential rain on our boat trip to the native village of Tui
(pronounced Chooee). It is the rainy season!

Children at Tui see themselves on a video cam recording.

Sue has breakfast at the Ecopark, with the parrots looking on.

David crashes out on a hammock in the jungle.

The ‘black tea’ colouring of the Negro River comes from the rotting vegetation in the jungle.

The ‘joining of the waters’ with the yellow water of the Solimões River runnng alongside and not mixing with the warmer, more acid,
black water of the Rio Negro.

Victoria lily pads

One of the locals

Making friends with an alligator

Up the Amazon with a paddle.

The river in the rainy season rises up to cover the trunks of trees,

A walk in the jungle.

Dave, Sue, and Francisco, our personal guide.

It is the rainy season, so there are not many flowers. Here is one.

The river in the park.
(It rises and falls 10 metres or more in the rainy season).

The landing stage at the Ecopark Lodge

Sue takes to the water.

Eva and Monica from Budapest, join us for part of the time.

Sue, Dave, and our guide Francisco, with Gino and Aline from Italy

David works on the river with his iBook
as we return to Rio

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